NC: (980) 819-5692 | NOLA: (504) 324-5648

Drug and Alcohol Testing Services

Drug and Alcohol Testing Services

ARJ D&L, Inc

Inherent in the name, our process for drug and breath alcohol testing provides full understanding of the responsibility that comes with the collection of important items. Thus our staff has been trained to treat each individual and their testing process with meticulous detail and high importance.
Our testing is DOT compliant and is offered in our offices and on-site. A local Medical Review Officer (MRO) reviews all lab results (both DOT and Non DOT tests).

Our seamless process provides solutions for national companies requiring regular testing needs, on a large scale.

Federal drug testing requires that all urine tests screen for the following:

  • Amphetamines (AMP)
  • Cocaine (COC)
  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Opiates (OPI)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

For alcohol testing we use the state of the art Evidential Breath Testing Device- RBTVXL.

We offer DOT and NON DOT drug/alcohol services including: pre-employment, random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion/cause, return to duty and follow-up collections. Our collector technicians are certified to follow collection protocol for the testing authority of HHS, NRC and the following DOT Agencies: FMCSA, FAA, FTA, PHMSA and USCGA. Please contact us for more information. For immediate after hours assistance, please call (504) 324-5648

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulation (49 CFR Part 40) defines the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) as a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

Our current SAP staff includes a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist.

If you or someone you know needs a DOT-SAP Assessment, please contact ARJ at (504)-324-5648.



1. A confirmed violation (most commonly tests positive for alcohol or illicit drugs), at that time the operator must stand down from the safety sensitive duties, and is not able to return to safety sensitive duties until they have been released or returned to duty by a qualified SAP.
2. The operator must contact 504-324-5648.  or make appointment on line by clicking here) a qualified SAP and go in for a face-to-face substance abuse assessment (cost $350.00). At the end of the assessment the operator will leave with a recommendation for either drug/alcohol treatment or education. The DOT has a mandatory minimum recommendation of education, commonly called (in North Carolina) Alcohol Drug Education Training School (ADETS) 8-16 hours.
3. Complete the treatment or education and contact the SAP for a follow-up appointment.
4. Go to the SAP for the appointment, this is the Return to Duty appointment, after this appointment your employer (or last employer) will be sent a Return to Duty Letter (cost $350.00).
5. If you are a Commercial Driver in the state of North Carolina and your violation was against a CDL, you will need to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and get you license reinstated.
6. Get a clean drug/alcohol, return to duty test. This test will be ordered by your employer, The return to duty test are directly observed, this is per UD DOT policy, in addition any follow up drug tests will be observed as well. The SAP must order a minimum of 6 random drug tests in the 1st year and can order additional drug testing for up to 5 years (60 months)
7. Go back to work!

Schedule your appointment 7 days a week so you can get back to work fast!  All of Behavioral Health Intervention SAP professionals are qualified under the current U.S. DOT requirements. Verifying paperwork is available upon request.

DOT-SAP Assessment for North Carolina and South Carolina call (980) 819-5692.
For Louisiana call 504-324-5648

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